Welcome to our Choir website. We hope that you find it informative. If you do, please let us know by contacting our Secretary. We would also welcome constructive comments, which would improve the site, so, if you have any, please let our Secretary know.
The Choir
The Choir was formed over 60 years ago when a group of bowlers, who used to gather around the clubhouse piano for an impromptu sing-
Why not Join Us?
Whilst we currently have a healthy membership, we are always happy to welcome new members, who do not need to be members of the Bowling Club, although we would encourage this. Neither do you have to read music, although this would be helpful. See our “Choir Members” and “Contact Us” pages for further details.
Without concerts to look forward to, the Choir members would soon get bored, therefore, if you are in a group which has visiting speakers and musical entertainers, we would encourage you to put our Choir on your list of entertainers. For more details, please see our “Concerts” and “Contact Us” pages.